Wednesday, March 15, 2017


As can be seen, the last post was in 2013. Since then I've written many stories, but didn't really think about publishing them. It's not that I had some reason not to, but rather I just forgot.
However, recently someone told me that the things I talk and write about are awesome and that I should publish them.
Today I was thinking about starting a new blog for an unrelated reason(for publishing my theories) and came across this one. Thus, I ended up publishing 15 more things here.
Although this blog was originally intended to be for stories I now consider it my creative blog in general. It's no longer only for stories, but also for poems and other strange beasts.
I've also helpfully tagged all the stories with either EE or EN to signify whether they are in Estonian or English.

Nagu näha, ma postitasin viimati aastal 2013. Vahepealsel ajal ma olen kirjutanud palju lugusid, aga ei mõelnud nendee avaldamisele. Asi pole selles, et mul oleks põhjus mitte avaldada; pigem ma lihtsalt unustasin.
Kuid hiljuti keegi ütles mulle, et need asjad mida ma räägin ja kirjutan on vägevad. Ta ütles, et ma peaksin neid avaldama.
Täna ma mõtlesin täiesti eraldi põhjusel uue blogi alustamisele(oma teooriate avaldamiseks) ja märkasin seda blogi siin. Seega, ma avaldasin 15 siin blogis 15 asja veel.
Kuigi see blogi oli algselt mõeldud ainult lugude jaoks mõtlen ma sellest nüüd kui loomingulisest blogist üleüldiselt. See ei ole enam ainult lugude, vaid ka luuletuste ja muude kummaliste olendite jaoks.
Ma olen ka abivalmilt märgistanud kõik lood kas EE või EN'iga, et märkida kas nad on eesti või inglise keeles.


Elupuu mu arm,
miks nõnda su oksad raaguvad?
Olen loonud nii vähe,
võrreldes maailmadega mida näen.

Oh kurvad oksad,
millel pisarad taevast tilguvad.
Edasi, edasi tühjusse.
Naaseb arm vaid unustusse.

Oh elupuu mu arm,
miks oled sa nii morn?
Miks oma noort ilu nõnda vaevad?
Miks? Miks? Miks?
Oleks vaid küsimused eales kõik,
teeks kordki teadmised õnnelikuks.

On vaid lollus õnneks,
vaid kurbus iluks,
vaid silmakiri tõeks?
Miks teeme me end kurvaks,
oh kaunid inglid.

Kes tark, see nukker.
Kes teab, see kulub.
Kes oskab siin maailmas armastada,
ilma kaotamata end,
ilma tapmata teisi?

Miks oleme me nii targad,
et mõistame hukka?
Pole me tõesti midagi
õppinud sest valust?
- Jah, oleme.
Oleme õppinud tegema haiget,
vigastama teisi, et säästa ennast,
unustama neid, kes armastavad meid.

Olgu see meie õnneks,
et oleme nii lollid
ja lohutuseks,
et oleme vaid korraks.

The Curse of Divinity(EN)

I started writing this story in 2015 and was able to reach 2 pages before I ran out of inspiration. Almost 2 years later I suddenly got a lot of inspiration and also figured out a name I could use for the story.
At the time of this post the story is 15 pages long, so it would be impractical to copy it here. Instead, here is the link.

Children of the wilds(EN)

2017 - This story is quite fragmented, but I've decided to post it anyway.

Related to “Knight and Demon”

X - protagonist
Y - his best friend

The 2 friends(boys) live in a small village. X’s father is some kind of a wise guy that knows quite a lot about artifacts from the past. Where he gets his knowledge is not known.
Y’s parents are not known. He would be adopted by the villagers, but he chooses not to be, so he’s a sort of an outsider through his own will. It is likely that there have been some very bad events in his past, but he never talks about them. Being silly is his way of disguising the fact, that he actually thinks of very serious things.
The boys are late teens, although some of their pranks might make them seem younger. They regularly lurk around in the plains and forests near the village, usually not going very far.
As of the moment of this story, the village is wealthy and the boys don’t have anything useful to do.
Independence is valued highly in this village, this is one of the reasons why the boys are allowed to do almost anything they want. However, they still have to visit the village every few days to not make the villagers worry.
When in the wilds, the boys don’t carry around any food. Nature provides them with everything.
Even in the village, no one has any kind of farm animals. There exist some pets, but they are treated more like family members than minions.
In the surrounding forests and plains, there are some druids. The villagers don’t know about them, but any hunting would bring their wrath. This makes hunting very dangerous.
It is also fairly pointless to eat meat here, as the village can survive just as well without.

Two kids are playing in the ruins of an ancient structure. They are best friends.
Hey, look what I found! shouts out one of them

I approach Y, seeing that he has some small object in his hand.
What is it?
I’m not sure, but it sure looks shiny!
Show me

It’s a little pyramid-shaped object.
Let’s show it to my dad. He usually knows what is what.
Hell no! He would just claim it for himself!
“You know he isn’t like that... “ I said. And we both know he is not, but this time I lost the mind game.

It looks like some kind of a jewel. But it’s a bit too big for that, don’t you think?
It’s either too big, or too expensive! He grabs the object from my hands and slightly backs away.
Oh no you won’t...

I lunge at him to take back the artifact, but he anticipated my move and got out of the way. Sometimes I almost hate how he likes to play tricks on me, but then I figure out a way to do the same to him.

Gimme that. You know you want to. I said
You know I’m not falling for this, he says, grinning and moving to a corner.
I lunge at him again. He tries to back out, but hits a wall. He didn’t see this coming, so I’ve managed to take the thing back from him.

Anyways, I’ll show it to my father now, I said, acting like this was just another gadget we found from the ruins. Indeed, we have shown him many things we’ve found.
However, this time Y resists.
No, don’t do that... I have a strange feeling about this.
What do you suggest then? It’s not like we’re magically gonna know what this is.
Perhaps... perhaps we are. I have an idea.

We went to an old foreteller who, at that point, lived away from the village.

This item surges with power, I tell you!
How much does it cost, asks Y
This is ancient, so more than you could ever pay.

I’m looking into the campfire. Wondering.
Do you believe her?
Believe who about what?
Y’know, the foreteller. Do you believe this thing we found is truly ancient?
I should not have asked this. It’s not like I ever get a straight answer from him.
I’m not sure. It sure looks special though.
Straight answer. Oh well.

I wake up, as Y is shaking me.
It’s gone! The thing we found, it’s not here. Oh please tell me you have it.
What? No, I don’t have it.
A few minutes later the only conclusion we have is that we still don’t know who took it.


I walk into his room. He’s not sitting by his desk as he usually does.
Then I notice that he’s lying on the floor.

“Dad, are you alright?”
What a stupid question
I see something on the ground near him. It’s the artifact. (I pick it up. Not written in this chapter, but implied later)


Weeks later, my father is finally well again. However, he would never be the same again.
I can’t put my finger on what it is, but something about him has changed.

(A spirit from the artifact has possessed father. There is one more spirit, but it is inactive at this moment)

I didn’t tell Y that I had found the artifact in my father’s hands. It was enough to see what had happened to my father. If anyone more will be hurt, then it will be me.


When he became the light, he exchanged some traits with a friend. In order to reach godly perfection, at least one would have to make way, or so they thought.
(later it appeared, that both had ascended, but not in the ways they would have expected.
There must always be balance. If balance can not be achieved through the creation of one god, then multiple will have to be created. And so they were, over time)

A walk in the dark(EN)

Originally this story was meant to be written as a cooperative effort with Loviisa. However, she was so emotionally affected by my writing... skill(?) that she wasn't able to continue. She said that my writing is so good she doesn't want to spoil it. We wrote this in 2013.

A group of people are slowly sauntering along in a world of darkness. The air is filled with heavy dark fog. Moonlight shines from the sky, but it looks dull through the darkened world.
This place used to be alive, but is no longer. It feels like there is no hope, light or happiness left in world and so do the poor creatures moving around in these lands.

This specific group of wanderers has been travelling for days. They are burdened by a grievous affliction, but have not found any hope of it going away.
A few years ago these lands were alive. There was lush greenery and nature all around. However, it was not to last forever.
How could that be? Those people were like hunted children. They had dreams, but they had seen everything destroyed. What was their mission? To bring life back? Was that really possible? Somehow, still, the human nature is cantankerous. They wouldn’t let go of their dreams, however far they were.

Huge wars rummaged the kingdoms, until little was left. Eventually, this world became too weak to resist and foul hordes of otherworldly beings took over.
What used to be a land of life, was swiftly destroyed.
That, which was beautiful, became corrupt.

In one of the battles on these ancient plains, this group of people was affected. In times of war, many villages were destroyed. The inhabitants tried to escape, but some did not succeed. Some, such as this same group.
A little more than a year ago, this group of wayward vagabonds met a war band. None survived, but this was not enough. After the battle, corrupt mages arrived and reanimated the dead. They were meant to become workers.

All were rounded up and made to stand in a tight cluster, to prevent escape. In a short while, the mages had finished their vile work and the band of warriors could move on. The prisoners were taken with them.

In their new life of undeath and endless misery, the people discovered many things. Some of them being that they no longer had to eat anything, never slept and never died. None of which made them feel better. When before their misery seemed like it could end one day, it was now eternal.

A few days later the warriors were ambushed in a forest. Soon they surrendered, to avoid too heavy casualties. However, the prisoners were not considered worthy of survival, as they had not fought. All prisoners were executed and the warriors unarmed. Then the army went away.

As days passed, the people were still lying on the ground. They had wondered when their agony would end, but as time went on they had to understand that it was not to end like this.
Deep misery had filled the crowd, but eventually they decided to find meaning in their new lack of life.
Limping and sauntering, people got up. Slowly, but surely, this band of survivors moved on.
Now here walk the dead. Desperate for salvation, they roam the lands. Trying to find a purpose, they are endlessly on the move.

Vestiges of Scarlet(EN)

Passion forms hearts. Hearts procure worlds.
It was a dull morning in a wintery town. Still, there was hustle and bustle everywhere.
Unusual on a time so cold, a ship had arrived. People in the town were doing what they could with the scarce chances they had and thus, trading took place.
People froze to death every week, but didn’t lose their inner fire. It was the only thing to have in a place so dark and cold. Hope.
However, the ship that brought life also brought death.

On that ship was a family of nobles - unusual in a place like this. Yet, they insisted that this is the best place for them to be. They wanted to be away from the politics and intrigues of capital life and this, for them, was a very suitable place.
As the most notable people, the mayor and his family proposed housing the nobles for the night and, if those so desired, for their whole stay. Upon reaching our house, various courtesies were expressed and the party split up.

The noble family consisted of 4 people - The noble, his wife, and 2 daughters. One of the daughters was nearing 16 - the wedding age. The other was fairly young.

Being the son of the mayor, it was only appropriate that I be the one to show the young lady our house. This kind of pleasantry is common among nobles, as it bonds families and makes it more likely for a daughter of either to be wedded to someone in the other.
One would expect me to have felt honored by such a gesture, but I had other things on my mind.

She said she likes to read - a very common virtue among noble ladies. Thus, we went to the library. I expressed courtesy by offering her a seat. She did sit. Formalities show little about real intentions.
I gave her a book to read and then sat on a chair on the other side of the table. She delved into the book, forgetting my presence for a short while. I thought my own thoughts until I found her eyes on me. She asked:
“Why so cold?”
She smiled slightly, revealing teeth as sharp as a glimpse of her eyes.
Never did she make any threatening gesture.
“Have I done something to dissatisfy you?”
Yet, threat she did emanate.
“No, nothing my young lady. I was just thinking about mundane issues.”

There is something wrong about this family, but I have no clue as of what it is. Why would a family of nobles come so far from the capital? Their story was believable, as nobles do occasionally visit peripheral places. However, they were here to stay.
They didn’t specifically say that they are here to stay, but it could be anticipated by the way the patriarch avoided giving any clues as to what is going on at the capital - Besides gossip and other telltales of course. It felt as if he didn’t want to think about going back.

As days passed by, the patriarch slowly revealed more information. He said that he wants to buy a house in this part of the world and will eventually go back to the capital once that is done, only to visit once in a while. However, I knew it to be wrong. It is simply courteous to say to the host that you won’t stay for long.
What also became more apparent is that the young lady and I were kept together as much as possible. The hints were subtle and every little detail was justified by mundane details. In the greater picture, however, it was fairly clear.

The young lady, Felia, is brilliant. She is as educated as one would expect from a lady of the most noble of families. Yet, somehow she blended in. She never appears out of place wherever she is.

A story of veiled powers(EN)

You are not meant to know what I am.

The leaves were blown up, as I ran past them, on my four feet. Something is chasing me. I do not want to be caught.
You don’t know.
I jump over a branch, not slowing down at all. Yet, they are still after me.
How is it even possible? I run over 50 miles per hour.
Must find out.
I stop and turn around to face him or her. I don’t know who it is. Something is moving through the undergrowth. I can see the branches bending away to reveal a....

That’s when I awakened.

I am sitting and looking at my paws... I mean hands, I have hands again. No claws or fur. I’m a human.

Those dreams, they keep seeming more and more real.

I see a cut across my right hand. Strange. I injured it in my dream. What if...

I stand up and start walking home along the forest path.

Who am I? My name is Tyler and I’m a hunter.
I often have blackouts. They are hours long and I see dreams when they happen. I see that I... am something else.
It’s starting to seem, that they are not dreams anymore. My nightmares, they are slowly becoming real.
What am I? I don’t know...

A crossroad. One path leads home, the other to the sage. It’s not that far.
Ah, I’ll visit her, the sun is still high up in the sky.

“...Tyler, you do not know. I... I think you have to know.
The animal that you are in your dreams is not a bear, it’s something more rare.
They are not dreams, Tyler. “ she said.
“So... what am I?” I asked.
“You are what the previous generations would of called a druid.
You can really turn yourself into an animal, but you apparently haven’t learned to control it.“ She told.
“That’s not possible. I do not believe you.” I responded
“Open your eyes, Tyler. You can’t avoid your destiny. “ she said.
“And? What would that be?” I asked back.
“You must head to the southern kingdoms. Go and find the oracle, she will know what to do.”
“So you’re saying that I should just leave my doings and go south? That’s madness. I have duties. “
“Yes,” she stated. “You must go. But for now you must go home and think about it. You will understand. “
“I still don’t believe you... but I guess the voice of reason will find either of us soon enough. “
“Farewell, Tyler” She said.
“Farewell,” I responded.

My head was exploding with thoughts. Could it really be?

But soon I headed south. If not for else, then to prove her wrong. Perhaps also because I needed to know.
Finding the oracle was not easy. It took time. Meanwhile word spread about me. I didn’t know of that though, until she found me. I had no idea that the oracle is also a traveller. No one had and never will have.
She likes to keep her identity a secret, constantly changing appearances and moving around. However, if she wants to be recognized, then she knows how. Her wisdom reveals her identity.
If she wants it to.

She started talking. Just seconds ago she was just another bypasser. A hood veiled her face.
“Whom do you seek?” she asked, with the voice of an aged woman.
“The oracle,” I responded, sensing that she already knows that.
“Seek no more, for she has been found,” she said, slightly raising her hood.
I could see eyes. Such eyes that can only be seen when looking at an old person. Yet, eyes so full of life and light.
“Come with me,” she said.
I realized that she avoided talking in public. Probably to stay unrecognized for most people.


“You will learn more than shapeshifting,” the oracle said.
“What exactly am I?” Tyler asked back.
“Your sage told you that you are a druid. She didn’t lie, but I know this is not what you are worried about,” said the oracle and appeared to not pay attention anymore.
“What is it that I am worried about, then?” Tyler asked.
“That is for you to figure out and solve. I can only show you the way, but not lead you through it.”

For a moment I saw what the oracle saw. I saw the past, the present and the future, but it was too much to conceive it all.
I did find the answer though. I need to leave everyone behind and learn to use my abilities. It will not be easy, but nothing is anymore. I don’t have a choice.

I knew that she knows all I know and more, so I left. It simply made sense.